Hey There, I’m Melanie! I am a former CPA turned personal finance blogger and mom of three. When you ‘Budget With Mel’, you’ll develop monthly budgets, cost-cutting tactics, and learn new behaviors and beliefs about money. It’s time you took the stress and confusion out of your personal finances.
Hey There, I’m Melanie! I am a former CPA turned personal finance blogger and mom of three. When you ‘Budget With Mel’, you’ll develop monthly budgets, cost-cutting tactics, and learn new behaviors and beliefs about money. It’s time you took the stress and confusion out of your personal finances.
Now that no shave November is over, don't let dead broke December become a reality! Instead, have a cash Christmas this year!
The holidays have the ability to stretch our wallet's really, really thin. Between parties, gift exchanges, traveling, decorations, etc. is is really easy to stretch yourself financially during the holiday season.
As a result, many find themselves using credit cards to fill the gap between income and expenses this time of year.
Here are some ways you can ensure that you have a cash Christmas and you're not paying for your holiday well into the new year!
If you live far away from family like I do, family commitments can be very large and the bank account can be far too small.
One way that we save on Christmas travel is by planning our trips well in advance and using the google flight tracker to buy tickets at the lowest possible cost.
I don't think we have ever paid over $250 a piece for a round trip plane ticket!
If we are going to be staying overnight somewhere, we use travel sites to get the best possible deal.
I have found that Expedia.com and Booking.com are the best travel sites for bundle deals. Personally, I love Booking.com because we used this site to book our honeymoon hotels, and when we had an issue with parking for one hotel and ended up having to stay at a different hotel in a different city, they gave us a full refund in less than an hour!
These days it is hard to come by good customer service and great deals, but Expedia has always treated us exceptionally well.
Another way to save on travel is to consider traveling on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.
We have flown on Thanksgiving Day before and paid half the price of a normal ticket!
Consider if you can really afford to travel this year.
Many people hit the road without thinking about the cost.
Will the gas, lodging, restaurants, parties, and other activities end up on a credit card? Do you have existing debt such as credit card debt or student loans?
If you answered yes to either of those questions, maybe it would be a year to have a staycation instead! Attack your debt instead and make it a goal to save up for a Christmas trip next year!
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If your Christmas savings are less than you'd like, consider finding a way to make some extra money around the holidays.
Here are some ideas:
There are countless ways you can find odd jobs during the holidays, you just have to willing to give them a try!
I mean WAY early. Christmas is not a surprise , so don't treat it like one.
I usually start funding my Christmas budget in July by sticking in at least $20 per pay period.
A Christmas sinking fund is a great idea to ensure you have the money ready to spend come the holidays.
Here's how I set mine up:
Now you can have a stress-less time Christmas shopping and don't have to feel guilty spending money that you don't have!
If your family still gets gifts for EVERYONE, suggest doing a secret Santa.
All of us siblings in my family used to buy gifts for every single person in our family. Since our family is growing, we now just do a secret santa gift exchange between the siblings.
This way you don't have to get a gift for all your siblings, which alleviates the cost for those who are members of large families!
I'm sure other people are feeling the pull of the purse strings and just don't want to say it!
If you're worried about over-spending on Christmas gifts/food/activities/travel, pay CASH for everything.
I've written about the danger of credit cards before. Not only do you spend more money when you use plastic, you also tend to make more impulse purchases.
Force yourself to only spend what you have in cash. I love using my floral watercolor cash envelopes for budget categories that I tend to overspend on.
I've been using cash envelopes for years now, and it has helped completely transform my spending behavior.
The beauty of using envelopes is that once the cash runs out, that's it. You're done.
Having this kind of discipline is a sign of maturity.
Being able to tell yourself (and your kids) no is a skill that you must learn if you want to win with money.
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Your two-year-old does not need the newest, shiniest, most expensive toy out there.
They do not know the difference.
Swallow your pride and go to the thrift store and get them a Christmas gift there. In my personal opinion, buying a child who doesn't know the difference between a thrift store toy and a real toy is a serious waste of money.
Almost all of my Christmas decor this year has come from department stores or thrift stores. I think I spent a grand total of $30 on decorations and I got two stockings, a mini tree, a garland, two candles, and three packages of lights.
Don't get me wrong, I like our home to feel warm and cozy!
My point is that you can do so without spending a small fortune. A $30 sign here, a $50 lantern there, and it begins to add up.
This sounds cliche, but don't get so caught up in the decorating and warm and fuzzy feelings you feel that you forget the reason we celebrate Christmas in the first place!
Find and start inexpensive holiday traditions for your family.
There are a lot of high-priced concerts, plays, parties that require gifts, and other activities that go on during the holiday season.
Challenge yourself to find something more affordable to do!
We like to drive around and look at houses or neighborhoods that elaborately decorate with Christmas lights. We also like to play cards, so we try and get the whole family to join in and play a game of up and down the river!
Another fun idea would be to have a family BINGO game, where everyone brings a $5 gift.
These are all things that can be very entertaining (and competitive) for a low price!
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You already know about my deep found love for coupons.
Of course I realize that clipping coupons is not going to make me wealthy. Duh.
HOWEVER, a few dollars here and there adds up, and it takes me about 30 seconds to find the coupons on my digital app and scan them at the store. I usually save about $10 on every grocery store trip ( I go once a week). To me, 30 seconds of my time is worth $10.
Plus, over the course of a year, that's $520 dollars I save!
It's the little things my friends. Every little thing that you do matters.
There are so many homemade ideas out there! In fact, I was inspired while I was thinking about this blog post, and I'm working on some homemade gifts of my own- for a whopping $10 (I should be able to make three gifts).
You may be thinking... I'm way too busy to have time to make Christmas gifts.
The truth is you make time for what is important to you.
If saving money and having a debt-free Christmas is important to you, then you WILL make time for it.
These are just a few ways to save. Don't go into debt for the holidays- it's not worth it! You CAN have a cash Christmas, no matter what your income and no matter where you are at in life.
Whether you are single, married, have kids, don't have any, have grandchildren, or don't have any grandchildren, save money using the tips above for holiday gifts and plans.