Hey There, I’m Melanie! I am a former CPA turned personal finance blogger and mom of three. When you ‘Budget With Mel’, you’ll develop monthly budgets, cost-cutting tactics, and learn new behaviors and beliefs about money. It’s time you took the stress and confusion out of your personal finances.
Hey There, I’m Melanie! I am a former CPA turned personal finance blogger and mom of three. When you ‘Budget With Mel’, you’ll develop monthly budgets, cost-cutting tactics, and learn new behaviors and beliefs about money. It’s time you took the stress and confusion out of your personal finances.
The summer always seems to remind me I need to look for ways to lower our electric bill because every time it comes I consider homesteading and washing our clothes in the crick.
And every time my husband tells me to stop being so dramatic ;)
That being said, am I the only one whose electric bill skyrockets in the summer and tends to always be higher than I expected?!
I need help in this department, so I figured I'd do some research and let you all in on what I find out!
These are some practical tips to lower your electric bill every month!
While energy efficient light bulbs cost a little bit more upfront, they can save you some serious dollars over time!
I'm that spouse who rolls my eyes when my husband comes home with energy efficient light bulbs because why couldn't he just grab the 99 cent ones and call it good? !
Turns out my beloved is much smarter than I and is trying to appeal to my frugal tastes!
Switch out the most used lightbulbs in your house for LED lightbulbs and replace the rest when they burn out!
I'll admit I'm one of those people who likes the window down and heat on my feet in my vehicle, but I've come to learn that doesn't work to well in a home!
When you have your AC unit or furnace running while the door is open, not only are you letting the hot or cold air escape, but you're making your run harder for a longer period of time.
If you leave the door open frequently, you might as well just drive down the highway throwing $20 bills out the window...!
Super simple and easy tip is to turn off the lights when you leave the house or you are not in the room.
When I was younger, I never understood the obsession adults seemed to have with turning off the lights before going anywhere... now I get it!
During the day I try to only keep one light in our house on and use natural light to keep the house bright!
Most people have a programmable thermostat already, but in case you don't this is a must have to keep your electric bill low.
If you're constantly fidgeting with the thermostat when you leave the house, when you get home, and right before you go to bed, you're racking up your bill.
Instead, program your thermostat to do this automatically. If it's in the budget, consider investing in a smart thermostat that you can program from your phone!
To keep your HVAC system running at maximum efficiency, replace the or clean the filters every couple months.
This will also ensure you have cleaner air circulating through your home!
Instead of washing your clothes in hot or warm water, wash your clothes in cold water.
I recently started doing this after having always washed my clothes in warm water and I've seen a drop in our electric bill and an increase in the time my shower stays scalding hot (just the way I like it).
I also make sure to not do laundry unless I have a full load to wash, no need to waste!
A whopping 90% of the energy used by your washer goes to heating water!
If you keep your fridge and/or freezer temperatures unnecessarily low, you can be using more energy than you need and thus have a higher electric bill than you want.
Freezers should be set to 5 degrees and refrigerators should be set to 37-40 degrees for maximum efficiency.
Another note, make sure your food is covered properly. If it isn't, it will dry out and release moisture causing your fridge to work harder than necessary!
Ceiling fans keep the air circulating in your home so that your heating/cooling unit doesn't have to work as hard!
Air conditioner units are typically one of the highest energy consuming sources in a home so whatever you can do so that it doesn't have to work as hard helps!
With the help of your utility company, you can perform an energy audit, which is typically free!
An energy audit tells you how efficient your homes energy use is.
This might include an interview, running some tests, inspecting your home for air leaks and quality of insulation, etc. Then they will give you their best recommendations for making your home more energy efficient!