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Hey There, I’m Melanie! I am a former CPA turned personal finance blogger and mom of three. When you ‘Budget With Mel’, you’ll develop monthly budgets, cost-cutting tactics, and learn new behaviors and beliefs about money. It’s time you took the stress and confusion out of your personal finances.

Hey There, I’m Melanie! I am a former CPA turned personal finance blogger and mom of three. When you ‘Budget With Mel’, you’ll develop monthly budgets, cost-cutting tactics, and learn new behaviors and beliefs about money. It’s time you took the stress and confusion out of your personal finances.

11 Habits of a Frugal Millennial & What I Wish You Knew

melaniedj • 26 September 2018

Hi, I'm Melanie, and I'm a frugal millennial.

"Hi Melanie."

Just kidding. Bad joke.

I, my friends, am here to stir the pot. I've always kind of been a pot-stirrer...  just ask my husband. I enjoy confrontation, debating controversial topics, and challenging others opinions/ideas.

I guess they call that weird, not a pot-stirrer.

Money is my favorite controversial topic and favorite concept to challenge others views on. I get made fun of quite a bit for my views and how frugal I am.

So, here are 11 habits of frugal people and what your frugal friends WISH YOU KNEW!

11 Habits of Frugal People (And What We Wish You Knew)

1. We Are Not Easily Embarrassed

Ask my husband how many times he has wanted to hide his face whilst I try to barter, bargain, and save a penny. I would say this is why he married me, but that would be a lie. If he knew how frugal I really was he probably would've ran pretty fast...

Thank the good Lord love is blind, Amen? This is where my fellow frugal readers are nodding Amen sister.

I do not get easily embarrassed.  We work hard for our money. Thus, I want to get the most value out of every dollar that we spend, simply because we worked hard for it and I want our money to stretch as far as possible.To me, that's not embarrassing. That's smart. 


To be quite honest, frugal people don't care what other people think of their lifestyle.  


Money is about behavior. Frugal people know that the small decisions they make with money will affect how they make larger money decisions.

2. We Understand Life is Full of Trade-Offs

To spenders, frugality is equated with cheap and poor. They can't fathom why someone would CHOOSE a lifestyle of frugality.

Frugal people have long-term goals in mind, not short-term pleasure .

Frugal people understand that life is full of trade-offs. We may not have the latest iPhone, a new car, or go on lavish vacations, but we sleep well at night knowing that we have a fully-funded emergency fund, no debt, and financial peace.

Frugal people have a reason for a frugality. Our reason is so we can live a cash-flowed lifestyle that allows us to invest religiously so that ultimately we can leave a legacy for our children.

The Bible says "A good man leaves an inheritance for his childrens children" (Proverbs 13:22). 

3. We Learn to Say No Now , So That  Later We Can Say Yes

Here is something your frugal friends are dying for you to know... FRUGAL DOES NOT MEAN BROKE.   Just because we say no to many things does NOT mean we have no money. It means we say no to the small and insignificant things in life so we can say YES to the big and important things.

We live on less than we make. Quite often, frugal people live on 50-80% of their income.

We set ourselves up to have the ability to save more, invest more, and GIVE more. 

I've had a lot of practice saying no to things because when we were paying off debt, we said no to literally everything. Now, it's not so hard for me to pass on things.

We understand the value of delayed gratification. We are willing to make sacrifices now , so that later we can live like no one else.

4. We Are Cheap to Entertain

Frugal people learn to enjoy the small things in life. 

Millennials spend money on experiences. Think travel, concerts, shows, etc. There is nothing wrong with this, EXCEPT that we spend money we DO NOT HAVE at this point in life on these expensive experiences.

Sure, a concert and trip here and there are not a big deal (as long as you're paying cash). BUT, if I asked most of the millennials that are spending money frivolously on these things if they are also putting away enough money to retire with dignity, I'd more than likely get a blank stare, or a "I'm not worried about that yet." 

We choose cheap entertainment because once again, we are willing to make the sacrifices now so that we don't have to worry later.

5. We Have a Plan

We have done the math. We know what we need to do now in order to set ourselves up for success later.

Now, you can't control everything. Unexpected things WILL come up (especially financial surprises), but we have a plan for those things too- our savings.

Not only do we plan for retirement, but we planned for unexpected emergencies as much as possible by budgeting & saving.


If you've never budgeted before, you can set up your first budget by subscribing to my email list below!


6. We Learn from Money Mistakes

We have all made mistakes, and we frugal weirdo's try to learn from them so that we don't repeat them. 

Joe and I now understand the danger of debt, so we have committed to being debt-free for the rest of our lives (with the exception of a home).

We ALL make mistakes. After all, experience is the best teacher. However, it's what you take from your mistakes that makes the difference.  I'll let you in on a secret- most frugal people have made major money mistakes that made them understand the benefits of being frugal.

Frugal people CHOOSE to learn.

7. We Don't Hesitate To Spend Money On Things That Are Worth It

Contrary to popular belief, frugal people have no trouble spending money on things that they deem worth it. 

If there is a good deal that requires forking over a lot of cash, frugal people have no trouble doing so. They've planned for the purchase. They have the money saved up. They know it's a good deal, so they are going to make the purchase!

The difference between frugal people and non-frugal people is that frugal people HAVE the cash to make the purchase, and they've made sacrifices a long the way so that they can do so without guilt. 

8. We Don't Let Others Dictate Our Spending

We have learned to say no, and we aren't afraid to do so, even in the midst of peer pressure. 

We have no problem saying no to coworkers for lunch, suggesting friends come over for dinner instead of meeting up to go out, and saying no to vacations.

We do not fold under peer pressure. 

9. We Pay Attention to Detail

No matter how small a purchase is, frugal people keep track of EVERYTHING. 

I don't care if I only spent $5 at Walmart, I'm going to track what it was for and make sure that I put it in my budgeting app soon after purchasing so that I know how we are doing on our budget for the month.

Frugal people pay attention to the details, because they know it's the small things that add up.


"A small leak can sink a big ship." 

10. We Put Saving & Investing in Our Budget

Frugal people automate their finances. 

What this means is that people who are frugal ensure that they are saving and investing by putting these things right into their monthly budget, just like any other expense.

We spend what is left after saving, rather than save what is left after spending.

11. We Yearn For Others to Know The Value of Frugality

We want others to experience how liberating frugality is.

A lot of people laugh at me, call me cheap, and just simply think I'm poor because I'm frugal.

The truth is, I chose frugality as a lifestyle,  and I wish that others understood the value of being frugal and how it can drastically change your financial outcome.You don't have to be a natural saver in order to be frugal, being frugal is for EVERYONE.

It's a learned habit that sets you free from financial ruin.It does NOT mean you never buy anything expensive, and you live on pennies.

Rather, it means you are able to make those expensive purchases without sacrificing saving and investing and without going into debt. It means you plan ahead. It means you are forward-looking. It means you plan.

Most of all, it means you live with financial peace and financial freedom. 

There you have it- Straight from a frugal millennial.

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